Thursday, May 14, 2009

From One Starbuck to Another...

Just finished the Season 4 DVD of Battlestar Galactica. Grabe! Truly, one of the most thought-provoking sci-fi series ever made - or remade. This video features the song "All Along the Watchtower" by Bob Dylan but this remake gave me the frakking goosebumps...

Now I'm immersing myself in Herman Melville's Moby Dick. From one Starbuck (Kara Thrace) to another (Captain Ahab's first mate, and I believe the inspiration for the Starbuck of BSG). I'm a bit lost with the whaling terms, but so far I am still afloat and enjoying the ride with Ahab and his crew. The book got me thinking on predestination, free will, salvation and vendetta as a driving force in one's life. hmmmm...

I'm currently consolidating my Kas 205 notes. This should've been done a long time ago but I was still busy enjoying my summer (read: the BUM life). I should complete my notes this weekend.

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