Friday, December 14, 2007

Oblation Run

my thoughts on the recent oblation run sung to the tune of "I've seen it all" by Bjork

(It's not a faithful rendition of the original but just follow the tune of the first stanza all throughout this piece hehe I posted the original song so you can sing along...)

I've seen it all I have seen their t***s
Their naked bodies causing quite a scene
I have seen young ladies gawk and shriek and point
At the naked bodies running through the halls
I have seen how it was and I'm not that shocked you see
I have seen them all there is no more to see...

With their placards and roses and their masks all adorned
'cept for those they were naked as the day they were born
There were people shouting, making catcalls in glee
Others were protesting what's that got to do with me?

Up at front were the ladies so eager to see
With their cellphones and cameras to capture as they please
There were men from the media so anxious to see
And record naked bodies for the nightly news on TV

Now we've seen how it was, now we've seen what it is...
Those with cellphones are lucky they can replay the scenes
of this march of the naked, carried out through the years
Now we've seen it all, until then we'll wait and see...

Stand Alone 1.31

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